General Podiatry

 Footsmart Podiatry can help you with all of your general podiatry needs from the most complex problems to your more common complaints.

Regular treatment by a podiatrist can help prevent many general podiatry issues such as ingrown toenails, corns & calluses, fungus and cracked heels. Self-treatment can often turn a minor problem into a major one.

Some of the most common complaints we deal with daily are listed below.

General Podiatry Services

Corns and Calluses - General Podiatry Service

Corns and Calluses

Corns and calluses are a build up of hard skin as a response to abnormal pressure or friction. The removal of corns and calluses is completely painless. This may be hard to believe considering how much discomfort and disability they can cause.

Your podiatrist can remove corns and calluses immediately at your first consultation, providing you with instant relief. To help prevent them from re-occuring, your podiatrist will also develop a treatment plan tailored to you.

Cracked Heels - General Podiatry Service

Cracked Heels

Dry and cracked heels are uncomfortable, unsightly and can be painful or even lead to bacterial infections. They can be caused by a number of factors including genetics, wearing backless shoes and walking barefoot.

Our podiatrists can painlessly remove the hard skin and advise on how you can control the problem. In addition to regular podiatry visits, daily application of a heel balm and regular use of a pumice stone can aid in preventing the build-up of hard, cracked skin.

Blisters - General Podiatry Service


Blisters are a classic case where prevention is a lot easier than cure. They form due to friction between your skin and your shoe. Poor fitting shoes, or shoes that don’t conform perfectly to your feet, will increase the chance of a blister forming.

If blisters do occur, your podiatrist can help to provide a speedy resolution and have you back on your feet quickly. To help prevent future blisters from occurring, your podiatrist will give you some tips regarding your footwear and foot care.


Bunions - General Podiatry

Bunions are large bumps on the inside of the foot, at the joint just below the big toe . Development of bunions is influenced by family history, abnormal foot function and footwear.

Whilst they are often not painful on their own. Inappropriate footwear and abnormal foot function are usually the cause of pain associated with bunions. These influences can be addressed by your Podiatrist.

If podiatry treatment does not produce a satisfactory outcome. Your podiatrist will discuss surgical options available to you and if needed, will refer you to an Orthopaedic surgeon.

Plantar Wart - General Podiatry

Plantar Warts

Warts occur commonly on the feet and can be difficult to treat. Unlike many dermatological conditions that present superficially on the feet, warts are caused by a virus, known as the Human Papilloma Virus.

Because the cause of a wart is systemic (i.e. a virus), removal of the wart does not guarantee it will not reoccur. All wart treatments, ranging from ointments to surgical removal, aim to trigger the body’s immune system to develop a resistance to the virus. There is no cure for the virus at present.

Your podiatrist can advise on appropriate treatment of plantar warts, including removal of the wart under local anaesthetic (hyfrecation) if required. Click here for more information regarding hyfrecation.

Associated Costs

At our Footsmart Podiatry clinics we offer HICAPS facilities meaning you can claim your rebate through your Private Health Insurance on the spot.

It is recommended that you contact your Private Health fund prior to your appointment. By quoting the item numbers listed below, your health fund should provide you with an estimated cost.

General ConsultationsItem NumberPrice
Initial Consultation
Initial Consultation with a Senior Podiatrist
Pension/ Concession Initial Consultation
004 $110.00
Pension/ Concession Initial Consultation with a Senior Podiatrist
Standard Consultation
Standard Consultation with a Senior Podiatrist
Pension/ Concession Standard Consultation
Pension/ Concession Standard Consultation with a Senior Podiatrist

Have questions about General Podiatry?
Check out Our Services page, or Contact Us on 5441 4822

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